1. the holes in the floor have been repaired!!
2. stucco has been applied to the exterior
3. the interior walls were dry-walled and textured
4. the banister was installed on the staircase
5. the back "yard" was block-fenced in
6. the garage door was installed
7. the sliding glass door was installed
I think that just about covers everything. The community has begun work landscaping the "courtyard" right in front of our house and there's pictures of that included below (Don't forget - you can click on the photo to see the full-size file!):

We found out this week that due to safety concerns with the building of this type of home (courtyard style) we will not be able to occupy the home until all of the adjacent units are done with any scaffolding that may be necessary as a part of construction. This just means we'll be moving in January instead of December. No biggie.
That's all I have to report for now...hugs and kisses!!
Yippiee!!! You must be so excited! I love the picture with D. I miss you two!
WOW!!! Looking good!!! At this rate, your whole house is going to be done before our itty bitty bathroom project!!! I am very happy for you guys!! Thanks for sharing the updates :-)
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